'Until recently, humankind seemed to view the ocean as a source of infinite resources. Its vast size and depth and unexplored frontiers made the ocean appear invulnerable to overexploitation. The truth is that the populations of many species are decreasing at an unsustainable rate, and the number of species listed as endangered from marine life families such as whales, dolphins, manatees and dugongs, salmon, seabirds, sea turtles, and sharks to name a few, are on the rise.' [quote taken from marinebio.org]
In recognition of the ever increasing strain on our world's marine populations from the destructive efforts of global corporate and government exploitation zoozoo2 have designed a new t-shirt.
ZooZoo2 is deeply committed to marine conservation. Our new 'Endangered' t-shirt is a simple reminder of just how many species of marine creatures are in danger of extinction.
Click here to see a close up of our new 'endangered' t-shirt
To buy click here

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